Month: May 2024

Cookridge Fun Run

On Sunday 19th May some of the children who attend […]

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Maths – Pattern Day!

WOW, what a fantastic day the whole school has had! […]

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YR 6 LEAVERS HOODIES. Shop closing soon.

      One half term left for our year […]

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EYFS – Newsletter – 23.05.24

It’s been a lovely week to end our half term […]

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LKS2 – Newsletter – 23.05.24

What a fantastic week and half-term it has been in […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 23.5.24

It’s been a great final week of the half term […]

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KS1 – Forest School

We have had a great time in our Forest School […]

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Beehive 24-25.

Good Afternoon, Please note this is for current pupils, not […]

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Well-Being Gold Award for Cookridge

We are happy to announce we achieved a new award-The […]

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Artist of the week

Viking chess piece by Lili S. year 3
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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500