KS1 – Newsletter – 21.6.24

Thank you again for all your contributions to the Summer Fayre. We are very grateful for each and every one, which will help us to raise funds for school. We really hope to see as many of you as possible, along with friends, family or neighbours, to what will hopefully be our biggest event ever! Class One have been getting the goats trained up ready for you to take them for walks!

We have all been reading the story of ‘Beegu’ this week and Year One have completed a reading comprehension about it. They have also been practising using suffixes, writing sentences about Beegu and have also completed a diary entry. Their phonic focus this week has been on a adding -ing to verbs which mean the action is happening singing and adding -er which changes a verb to a noun eg sing – singer. Year Two have done a cold write about visiting another planet and have begun to learn how to join their handwriting. Their phonic focus for this week was homophones.

In Maths, Year One have begun learning about money. They have been identifying coins and notes, recognising distinguishing features and ordering their value. They have also used the coins to add up values and to compare amounts. In Year Two, one group have begun learning about time, recapping o’ clock, both reading and making the time on clocks. The other group has moved on to read the time to the nearest five minutes.

In history, we have been reading about Tim Peake. We have learned about his early life, his career and the fact that he is most famous for being the first British Astronaut to go to the International Space Station and do a space walk to fix the power supply. We used all these facts to make a fact file about him.

Year One, have been learning stories from Islam about ‘The crying camel’ and ‘Be my Guest’ in their RE lessons. They have been looking at how the characters treated other people and animals in the story and how Allah would like people to behave. Year Two have been reading the story of ‘Daniel in the lions den’ and thinking about why he continued to pray even when it was banned by the king. They also thought about some of the big questions in life and if they could ask God a question what would it be like ‘Why do zebras have stripes?’

In Geography, the children have continued to learn about and practise their knowledge of compass points. They used their understanding to work from a star on a map, to add buildings on such as a house, a school etc…

Year One have been learning about the diversity we have in Britain in PSHE. They thought about things that are the same and different between them and others and how we can always show respect to others even if we know there are differences. Class One enjoyed working in one of the KS2 therapeutic classrooms! Year Two have continued thinking about positive thinking and how that can impact on us when we face s challenge. They have looked at positive thinking linked with resilience and never giving up.

It was fantastic to see so many of you at Sports Day on Wednesday afternoon and we were very proud of all the children and how well they all participated.

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Saturday 22nd June – School Summer fayre – 12pm – 4pm

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – Please bring a packed lunch and a sun hat. Please ensure the children are wearing sun cream when they arrive at school.

Please pay through Parent pay. (Please speak to the office if you are having any difficulties with this)

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
