LKS2 – Welcome Back

Good afternoon,

We hope you all have had a fantastic summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming children back tomorrow (03.09.24). Please see below some relevant information:


We have an excellent teaching team in LKS2 who cannot wait to get stuck into our new topics with the children. Please see below the classes and teachers:

Class 4 – (Year 3) – Miss Nodding

Class 5 – (Year 4) – Miss Bourne

Class 7 – (Year 3/4) – Mr Gamble and Mr Kerr

We work and teach very closely as a phase so pupils will be taught by all teachers across the team over the year in different subjects. 

Arrival/Pick Up

Children will arrive at school between 8.40am and 8.50am via the bottom playground gate and walk down to enter their classrooms. All pupils in LKS2 still require being picked up (walking home alone is for pupils in UKS2 only). All three classes will be at the playground gates at 3:20pm.

School App

Please ensure you have selected the correct categories on the School App so that you receive all relevant information.

Week 0 / Timetables / Kit

This week (03-06.09.24), will start as Week 0. This Friday will be a Green Time option so children may need PE/Forest School kit if they choose one of those options. English and maths will happen as usual. Next week (week commencing 09.09.24) will start from week 1 on the timetable. You will find the correct timetable on your child’s class page on the website. Children will need to come to school in either PE kit or Forest School clothing on the days they have those sessions. 

Meet the Teacher Event

On Wednesday 11th September at 3:20pm, there will be a ‘Meet the Teacher’ event for parents to visit their child’s classroom. We hope you can join us. 

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500