EYFS – Newsletter – 06.09.2024

What a lovely week we’ve all had in Reception. The children have all blown us away with how they have come in and settled into school life so quickly. 

Our time has mostly been spent getting to know one another and allowing the children to get familiar with our school and its routines.  The children have loved exploring the different activities and equipment in Reception both indoors and out. We’ve had shopkeepers selling groceries in our role-play shop; bike-riders cruising the track; builders constructing amazing towers; artists painting self-portraits and lots of children climbing, jumping and balancing over obstacle courses. 

On Thursday and Friday, we were so impressed by how well the children were able to serve themselves lunch and then help to tidy up and clean the tables. Lots of happy faces also showed how much the food was enjoyed too! 

From next week, the children will be staying for the full-school day, with doors open at 8:40am for drop off and at 3:20pm for pick-up. Thank you for all of your patience as we become familiar with new faces, at home time especially. It has been a joy getting to know everyone this week and we’re looking forward to having lots more fun next week!


Monday (08/09/24) is going to be P.E. for Reception – please send children to school already dressed in PE kit. Don’t panic if you don’t yet have the correct PE kit (refer to school website if unsure).

From next week the NEW STARTERS page on the website will be removed – all future information will be posted on the EYFS page (linked from the websites home page). If using the app please select the EYFS category and de-select the New Starters category to continue receiving notifications. 

If you have not already, please fill in the milk form on the website on the EYFS class page. Thank you!


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
