Based on the findings of a recent visit by Sheryll Carter (Healthy Schools and PSHE Consultant), we are now judged as having Healthy Schools Status. Our commitment to the investment in Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) means that we have also achieved Mindmate Friendly Status.
Healthy Schools
Healthy Schools Award
Healthy Schools Report
- At Cookridge Primary School we understand that promoting physical and emotional wellbeing is a crucial part of every child’s development. We aim to equip all our pupils with the skills and attitudes they need to make informed decisions about their health. These are some of the ways we encourage our children to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles:
- Through our P.E. curriculum the children experience a range of different sports activities and learn about the effects and benefits of regular exercise. We also offer an extensive range of sports clubs before and after school.
- The importance of balanced nutrition and healthy food choices is explicitly taught through the Science, D.T. and PSHE curriculum.
- We develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the importance of water in their diet by encouraging all children to bring in a water bottle so they can have access to water throughout the day. Water fountains are also provided in the school for additional access to drinking water.
All KS1 children are provided with one portion of fruit every day. KS2 children are allowed to bring their own choice of snack for morning break time, but it has to be either a piece of fruit or vegetable. • We provide play equipment and areas which promote physical activity at break times. - Our PSHE curriculum allows children to explore and understand the different feelings they experience. Through this we are able to teach our pupils techniques for dealing with their emotions in a responsible manner.
- You can follow our PE news on Twitter @CookridgePE
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