KS1 – Newsletter – 22.11.24
It’s been a cold old week for Key Stage One, but the child have been on fire with some amazing work!
We have all been writing about Mary Seacole in English this week, but in the style of acrostic poems. We have thought about the things she did and her different characteristics, to include within our poems and then we published them. Year One have been learning that a, i , e, o and u can make the long vowel sound on their own, for example in words like acorn and lion. Year Two have been focusing on suffixes and adding – er and -est to words.
In Year One, the children have been comparing numbers. They have been using the language of greater than and less than and have been using the signs < > = to show their knowledge. One group in Year Two have been adding two digit numbers and are now learning to carry over a ten where appropriate. The other group have been focusing on two digit fact families and knowing the relationship between addition and subtraction eg 23 + 32 = 55, 55 – 32 = 23.
In Science, we have been looking at life cycles. The children used pictures to order the life cycles of things like butterflies and frogs etc… thinking about how some animals change completely from birth to adulthood and how some, like humans, just get bigger and more developed.
We had a local walk planned for Geography this week. Class Two enjoyed their walk on Monday, looking at what features there are in our area and that fact it is quietly hilly. Classes 1 and 3 had to postpone their walks due to weather and staffing.
There was a lot of laughter in computing as the ‘teacher robots’ took over. We were learning about algorithms and the importance of giving clear and precise instructions. Year One were giving instructions to the robot about how to clean their teeth. We had toothpaste all up the brush, the robot spat on the floor and generally made a bit of a mess! Year Two were telling their robot how to make a jam sandwich. The robot ended up ripping the whole packet of bread open, they had butter all over their hands and the pot of butter was put straight on the bread.
It was all about listening for Year One in PSHE. They thought about why it is important to listen to others and what we need to do to be a good listener. They practised their listening playing Simon says and listening to a partner giving them instructions of something they had to draw. Year Two were thinking about how they spend their time. The main focus was on how much time they spend on screens as opposed to how much time they spend doing other things. They discussed how a balance is needed and spending time with people face to face is important.
Diary Dates:
26th November and 27th November: Parent’s Evenings (Please book online now)
11th December 2.30pm – KS1 Christmas play
13th December – Fund raising singing at Asda (Time to be confirmed)
16th December 10am – Grandparent event
20th December – Finish for Christmas