Year 5 – Music

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Singing

Singing - Core Skills

Children can:
a Sing songs, rounds and partner songs with an octave range.

Singing - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Listening

Listening - Core Skills

Children can:
a Develop vocabulary to describe tempo, dynamics, structure, texture. Identify genres such as classical / pop / jazz / world/traditional/ film.
b Identify instruments from foundation listening

Listening - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Composing

Composing - Core Skills

Children can:
a Improvise freely over drones and grooves with an awareness of the beat and developing a sense of shape and character.
b Compose music within a ternary structure with increasing awareness of chord changes/ melodic shape and development phrasing etc.
c Capture and record creative ideas using graphic symbols, rhythm notation and time signatures, staff notation or technology.

Composing - Vocabulary

YEAR 5 - Examples of 'Expected' in the core skill of - Musicianship - Beat/ Rhythm

Musicianship - Beat/ Rhythm - Core Skills

Children can:
a Play melodies up to an octave range from staff notation
b Perform ensemble pieces
c Evaluate performances, suggesting points to improve. Rehearse and refine

Musicianship - Beat/ Rhythm - Vocabulary

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