KS1 – Newsletter – 14.2.25

Happy Valentine’s day one and all! We hope all the children had a great time at the Valentine’s disco on Tuesday. Have a great week relaxing together.

It was lovely for some of our Year One children to go and visit Cookridge Care home on Thursday. They went and read their books to the residents, but also shared a bit of love with them, taking some Valentines cards they had made.

The children are really enjoying our topic of The Great Fire of London and this week they have loved writing their historical narrative based on the fire. They worked hard to include lots of facts and historical people, whilst also added detail to make it interesting as a story and included conjunctions. They then published them for their special writing folder. Year One have been learning /wh/ sounds in phonics, in words such as whip and Year Two have been concentrating on common exception words.

We continued thinking about the Great Fire of London during our forest school session. Mrs Koopman created a fire. We could see the difference in sticks that burnt quickly because they were dry and those that didn’t because they were damper. We used lots of little sticks to create our own houses as the streets of London and made sure we had built them right next to our friends because all the houses were built close together.

Year One have moved back to focusing on subtraction in Maths this week, this time taking their learning to higher numbers. They have been using number lines, whole part models and understanding that you need to ‘find the difference’ between two numbers when subtracting. In one Year Two group they have continued finding missing numbers using the inverse. They have been identifying them on bar models and part whole models and explaining which operation they have been learning about measurements. They have been reading different scales and understanding different measurements for length, weight and capacity.

We have a new program called ‘Junior Scratch’ that we have been experimenting with in our computing lessons. The children have been able to select a background eg a farm and then choose appropriate things to appear on the farm such as a chicken and farmer and a barn. They have then learned how to change the size of these objects and have played around with them to see if they can make their scales a sensible size compared to each other.

In Geography, the children were naming the capital cities in the UK. They then used the fly over tool, to watch footage of filming over the different cities. They spotted different buildings and styles of building that featured there eg. The Houses of Parliament in London and Edinburgh castle.

We continued to read stories in Year One RE and this week recapped what we could remember about Moses. The children acted out some of the key things that happened in Moses life as well as ordering and colouring pictures. Year Two began to hear about some of Jesus’ teachings. They discussed how he thought we should forgive people and thought about whether they think forgiveness is a good idea and if we should always forgive someone.

PE has been all about invasion games. Year One have been playing bench ball and learning how to throw and catch effectively and also where to position themselves on the court. Year Two have been practising passing the ball with both hands and feet accurately and have been playing football.

Diary Dates:

24th February – Return after half term

4th April : 2.30 – 3.00 – The Great Fire of London celebration event


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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
