KS1 – Newsletter – 28.2.25
Welcome back everyone! We hope that you all had a great week off.
In English, we have been introducing the children to Newspapers. We have looked at the features of a newspaper and the need for it to be concise and containing facts. Year One have continued to use conjunctions in their writing and Year Two have been learning how to use contractions. Year One have had two phonic sounds for this week. G saying /j/ as in giant and c saying /s/ as in city. Year Two have been learning how to add -ing and -ed onto the end of words.
In Maths, Year one have been using the knowledge gained before half term on addition and subtraction to write fact families. Eg 9 + 2 = 11, 2 + 9 = 11, 11-2 = 9 etc.. They have drawn information from bar models, whole part models and other pictoral representations. One group in Year Two have been learning about money. They have been recognising and identifying coins and values. The other group have begun to learn about repeated addition and how to represent these in arrays.
We have continued to look at the weather and seasonal changes in Science. The children enjoyed a carousel of activities identifying different types of weather, choosing appropriate clothing for particular weather and seasons and also identifying different aspects from each season eg plants and tree features.
As Ramadan approaches, both year groups have been learning about how it is one of the pillars of Islam and an important month for Muslims during our RE lessons. They have learnt how food will not be eaten during day light hours and how Muslims will pray and read the Qu’ran more during this special month.
This half term we are continuing to learn about ‘The Great Fire of London’. The children have already gained a lot of knowledge about this, but this week we began to look at sources in History. We discussed what makes a good/ reliable source, but also which sources give us the best information eg Samuel Pepys diary compared to a painting of the great fire.
Year One have been learning the song ‘Button you must wander’ in music and learning some basics of how to play tuned percussion. Year Two have learned the song ‘Engine, engine’ and have created their own accompaniment for the song using tuned percussion.
In Art, the children have been looking at the artist Paul Klee and in particular his painting ‘castles in the sun’. They looked at the shapes he used to create the sky scape and looked back on the warm and cool colours they had explored previously to think about what colours to use in their picture.
In food technology, the children have been designing a ‘balanced’ wrap. The have used the ‘Eat well guide’ and thought about where food comes. They have then thought about which protein and vegetable they would like to include, knowing that the carbohydrate will come from the wrap itself.
We have completed Mindmate lessons in PSHE. Year Ones’ focus was on knowing and understanding when someone is being unkind. We watched a story of Topsy and Tim and discussed what happened, how Tim was feeling and what he could do about that. Year Two’s focus was on how we share our feelings when we feel sad. We read the book ‘Beegu’ and looked at how the character expressed her feelings. We then talked about things that make us sad and how we could deal with them.
Friday brought about our alternative sports day again and a new set of children got to experience fencing for the first time. Other groups enjoyed class Foosball, Go noodle and Noodle drumming.
Diary Dates:
Tuesday 11th March – Parent’s evening
Tuesday 18th March – Parent’s evening
(Please sign up for these on line)
Thursday 3rd April : 2.30 – 3.00 – The Great Fire of London celebration event
4th April – Finish for Easter