Forest Schools

The importance of ‘Play’


“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein

We believe by permitting children to choose how they play and interact with the natural environment Forest School Leaders can support, develop and extend play and learning. If children are allowed to explore and share ideas naturally they’ll try to solve problems and cultivate an atmosphere of working in teams. Allowing children to work together and tackle perplexing problems helps them to learn more effectively.

As a consequence, independent play gives children the chance to ‘gather information’; they can test things out, find new ways of doing things which helps to build self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, pupils also have a chance to develop friendships by learning how to collaborate together.

Although play may seem directionless to a spectator, pupils’ experimentation with objects and materials around them unlocks potential and curiosity. This cognitive and developmental perspective, in which play is important for intellectual growth and development of thinking and understanding, underpins our school ethos (Else and Sturrock 2007). “Children are born with a natural curiosity and a desire to learn. It is an eagerness to explore, discover and figure things out. The more explorative a child is, the more they learn. Nurturing this curiosity is one of the most important ways we can help children to become lifelong learners.


“States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.”

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 31


Forest Schools

Pupils have been working in the garden during forest schools sessions.

Forest School Handbook 2019

Research continues to show that the amount of freedom pupils are given and the time they spend, freely and independently, playing outdoors have both decreased over the years with a significant number of pupils having never built a den or climbed a tree. The term ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ has been used to describe this phenomenon and draw attention to the impact this lack of contact with the natural world is having on pupils and young people. We believe access to Forest School, for the benefit of our pupils is increasingly important. Please see the attached booklet below which gives more information about what children will do during Forest School time. This time is really important to the children and they absolutely love their time in Forest School!

Cookridge Primary School Ecological Impact 3 Year Plan



Pupils have been enjoying Forest school in the snow whilst observing the change of seasons.

Tree Planting in Association with Carbon Footprint and The Woodland Trust

Through partnerships with organisations such as and the woodland trust, trees will be planted in January and March. The trees chosen provide a number of benefits to the local area such as: nesting areas for birds: a reduction in noise pollution for pupils studying and extra privacy and security for both neighbours to the school and CPS. Creating more wooded areas through planting (with pupils from every year group) will illuminate how essential it is for future generations to participate in cutting fossil fuel consumption. The planting of trees will act as a significant stimulus for all age ranges. This will be the focus of a plethora of sessions from: philosophy for children, geography and science. Consequently, through CPD (led by SLT), teachers may use this opportunity to pursue Forest School activities and make direct links to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) throughout the curriculum.

Forest School at Cookridge Primary School

At Cookridge our aim is to provide the pupils with a number of experiences that will bring pupils closer to nature, develop new skills and strengthen friendships. Forest School sessions start in a safe environment where the needs of the group are met. All pupils are equal and feel valued during every activity. We believe the sessions should involve the same group of pupils on a regular basis and that they are given the opportunity to revisit the same activity.

Forest School clothing

To ensure that all pupils are able to access the Forest School’s activities, we have a stock of waterproof trousers and coats plus durable gloves. However we ask that both parents and pupils think about the usefulness of their clothing for outdoor activities, and to be aware that they are likely to take some of our mud home with them after a session at school!

Identifying flora and fauna at Cookridge Primary School

Mr M and pupils from KS2 have been scouring the school grounds in search of different species. We began by classifying trees using a tree tool kit. Examining aspects such as: leaves, bark and berries to help differentiate between tree types has been fascinating!

Here are some of the most abundant trees on site

We are lucky to have a wealth of different trees, plants and wildlife at Cookridge Primary School. Below are just a few.

Can you identify the different trees?

After examining the bark and leaves of different trees pupils tried to classify trees.

Can you identify the different flowers?

Using Forest School knowledge pupils are identifying and classifying different species.

Can you identify the different berries?

Using Forest School knowledge pupils are identifying and classifying different species.


Fungi are everywhere – beneath your feet, almost everywhere you look, and even in the air you breathe. Without these strange and fascinating life forms, neither we, nor the inhabitants of our native forests, would survive for long. Here are some in our garden area.

Den building

Through Forest School we encourage pupils to stretch their comfort zones by taking on new and exciting challenges. Here you can see pupils den building using Forest School equipment and tools.

Common knots

Working knots, as opposed to decorative knots, are usually one of the following types: a. Stopper knots, which are tied in the end of a line. b. Loops and nooses, such as a bowline or figure of eight. c. Bends, used to tie one rope to another. d. Hitches, used to fasten a rope to another object. Hitches rely on the rope being pulled under tension to hold fast. During Forest School sessions we will model how to use knots when building dens or creating structures.

What’s by the pond?

In the garden by the pond many insects and creatures live side by side.

Using the Kelly Kettle with governors

Using only a handful of fuel such as sticks, Pine cones, Birch bark, dry grass, etc. the kettle will boil in just 3 – 5 minutes. Pupils will participate in activities with teachers following Forest School guidance and procedure.

The fire circle/octagon has arrived!

Mr M and Mr Joy have developed a new and exciting area in the Cookridge garden: a FIRE PIT! We had a grand opening and staff training of the fire pit and now the children have been enjoying stories around the fire. ‘Fire pit Friday’ was a great success.

Forest School Maths

Pupils are using seeds and leaves to demonstrate their place value knowledge.

Outdoor Reading (RIC)

We use every opportunity there is to support children’s reading skills and comprehension but more importantly we foster a love of reading. Children have the opportunity to listen to a variety of reading genres that enables them to develop their comprehension, make links between books and develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of the world. At Cookridge Primary School reading aloud is a regular feature of our Early Years and Key Stage 1 classroom. However, we feel strongly that opportunities to listen to books should not decrease as children move through the school. So sharing a novel or fascinating non-fiction text (such as a an old bark bag) with a class (wherever we are) still forms an important part of the reading curriculum for children in Key Stage 2. Developing a love of reading in children requires a wide, language-rich curriculum and any outdoor environment can provide the stimulus.

Creating a Spark

Pupils were shown how to build a fire lay and keep Kelly Kettles on the boil. As a treat pupils had a hot chocolate and marsh-mellows.

Staff Training

From fire lays, knots and Kelly Kettles staff have participated in safe fun training activities. This is in order to build on their previous training so all staff can support pupils during Forest School activities.

Forest School Planning Examples

Below are some examples of Forest School plans and resources. Forest School activities are planned fortnightly to make the most of our school grounds and local environment.

Artwork using natural resources

The Beast of Breary Marsh

Animal Habitat Story Telling


Forest School information for parents

Attached is a Power Point that outlines the key aspects of Forest School at Cookridge Primary School. This information has been disseminated to parents at information meetings over the year.

Forest School Initiative at CPS

  • All
  • All School
  • Art and Design
  • Celebrations
  • Class 1
  • Class 10
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Class 5
  • Class 6
  • Class 7
  • Class 8
  • Class 9
  • Computing
  • D&T
  • EYFS
  • EYFS Newsletter
  • Forest Schools
  • Geography
  • Healthy Schools
  • History
  • KS1 Newsletter
  • Maths
  • Music
  • PE
  • PSHE
  • PSHE - KS1
  • RE
  • Reading
  • Science
  • UKS2 Newsletter
  • Writing

UKS2 – Knots and Loose Parts – Forest School

UKS2 were forced inside the poly tunnel for their Forest […]

KS1 – Newsletter – 27.9.24

Thank you to everyone who bought a book from the […]

EYFS – Forest Schools – 26.09.2024

Today was Reception’s second Forest School session and we took […]

Y1 – Harvesting – Forest School

At Forest School today, Year 1 children harvested their potatoes […]

Y2 – Loose Parts – Forest School

Pupils in Year 2 have continued their work on loose […]

KS1 – Newsletter – 20.9.24

Everyone has settled really well into Key Stage One now […]

LKS2 – Fire Making – Forest School

Today in Forest School LkS2 progressed their learning in fire […]

UKS2 – Fire Recap – Forest School

Pupils in UKS2 enjoyed a day basking in some later […]

Year 4 – Fire Making – Forest School

Year 4 had a wonderful Forest School afternoon today where […]

Reception – Forest Schools

Today, we had our first trip up to the garden […]

Year 3 – Fire Lays – Forest School

Linking in with our current topic on ‘Stone Age,’ children […]

KS1 – Forest School – Loose Parts

What a fantastic start Key Stage 1 made to Forest […]

EYFS – Newsletter – 19.07.24

Well… Reception year has come to an end! We’ve had […]

KS1 – Newsletter – 5.7.24

We’ve had another great week in Key Stage One, learning […]

LKS2 – Forest School

This morning pupils have been busy little Vikings preparing for […]

Year 5 – Forest School

This afternoon, Year 5 pupils have enjoyed a session in […]

Viking Village – Classes 4,6&7 – Forest School

Over the past two days, pupils across LKS2 have taken […]

EYFS – Newsletter – 28.06.24

Our Dinosaurs topic has continued to interest and excite this […]

Year 3 – Tools – Forest School

This afternoon, Year 3 pupils have been learning all about […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today in Forest School, the group reaped the benefits of […]

KS1 – Summer Party – Forest School

KS1 have spent their day celebrating summer with a Forest […]

LKS2 – Viking Crafts – Forest School

In preparation for our Viking Days next week, children have […]

Year 5 – Knots – Forest School

Year 5 took their series of lessons on knots to […]

Year 6 – Fire – Forest School

Year 6 enjoyed another Forest School which they planned themselves […]

Year 4 – Viking Crafts – Forest School

Pupils in Year 4 continued to develop their weaving skills […]

Reception – Dinosaurs – Forest School

Reception have enjoyed a wonderful morning of Forest School fun! […]

Year 3 – Viking Crafts – Forest School

This afternoon Year 3 pupils continued to develop their weaving […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today in our Wellbeing Wednesday Forest School sessions pupils have […]

KS1 – Summer Party – Forest School

Today in our Forest School sessions Key Stage One pupils […]

LKS2 – Newsletter – 07.06.2024

We have had a fantastic first week back! There has […]

Y5 – Hammocks and Dens – Forest School

Year 5 have spent their sessions today revisiting the three […]

Y6 – Pancakes – Forest School

This half-term, Year 6 have designed their own Forest School […]

KS1 – Forest School

We have had a great time in our Forest School […]

Year 4 – Forest School

We’ve had great weather today for our session in the […]

Reception – Forest School

What a wonderful session we’ve had this morning! To begin […]

Year 3 – Forest School

This afternoon Year 3 have had a wonderful time exploring […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

We’ve had a great morning as the warmer weather has […]

KS1 – Forest School

Today pupils in KS1 have enjoyed a lovely day outside […]

LKS2 – Newsletter – 03.05.24

What a fantastic week it has been LKS2! This week […]

LKS2 – Viking Raid – Forest School

Pupils in LKS2 have had a fantastic time in Forest […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

This morning we have had animal themed sessions with both […]

KS1- Space- Forest Schools

KS1 had a fabulous Forest Schools day today with Mrs […]

UKS2 – Knots, Hammocks and Dens – Forest School

Today pupils in UKS2 built on their knowledge and skills […]

EYFS – Newsletter – 26.04.2024

It’s been a full and fun-packed week again in Reception! […]

UKS2 – Newsletter – 26.04.24

It has been a brilliant week in UKS2. On Monday […]

Year 3 – Forest School

Today Year 3 have enjoyed exploring our Forest School area […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today we have had two great sessions despite the unusually […]

KS1 – Classes 1,2&3 – Forest School

Today Key Stage One have enjoyed exploring our Forest School […]

UKS2 – Class 8, 9 & 10 – Forest School

On Monday in Forest School, UKS2 constructed their own ‘Anderson […]

LKS2 – Den Building and Knots – Forest School

Today in Forest School pupils have revisited the Prusik and […]

Year 4 – Forest School

As there was no swimming today, Year 4 have enjoyed […]

KS1-Forest School-16.4.24

KS1 had a fantastic day in the sunshine today at […]

UKS2 – Knots and Hammocks – Forest School

We had to make some changes to the planned lesson […]

LKS2 – Year 4 – Trip to Golden Acre Park

Year 4 have had a fantastic Forest School trip to […]

LKS2 – Ancient Egyptian Bread – Forest School

Pupils in LKS2 have spent the morning being Ancient Egyptian […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

Today in our Forest School sessions we have been linking […]

Year 4 – Knots – Forest School

In a couple of weeks’ time, pupils in Year 4 […]

EYFS – Growing Food – Forest School

Today in Forest School Reception pupils enjoyed a morning of […]

Year 3 – Knots – Forest School

Today we revisited a skill we learnt in Autumn. Revisiting […]

Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

The first group this morning enjoyed a wonderful session all […]

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500