Rainbow request and Robotics Drawing and Story competition
Hello everyone,
We have a special request for the whole school. Please can you send in a picture of you with a rainbow.
It could be in your window, made from Lego, chalked on the floor be as creative as possible.
Please send your pictures into info@cookridge.leeds.sch.uk
Also read below for a very exciting competition
Robotics Drawing and Story Writing Competitions for Children
I am writing to let you know about two competitions inviting UK primary schoolchildren to share their creative works inspired by all things robotic. The competitions are hosted by the EPSRC UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems Network as part of UK Robotics Week (22nd – 28th June), a 7-day celebration of robotics science spanning hundreds of public events and activities up and down the country.
These competitions are designed for children to complete at home.
The https://www.ukras.org/school-robot-competition/write writing competition is open to all Key Stage 2 children (aged 7 – 11 years old), and challenges competition participants to write an 800-word story featuring any kind of robot their imagination can conjure. The story could take place on Earth, in space or even on another planet!
For the “Draw A Robot” competition, children in Key Stage 1 (aged 5 – 7 years old) have the chance to draw a robot that they’d like to see in the future. The robot could be designed to accomplish any task or job – the sky’s the limit! The children will be able to submit a robot drawing, up to 200-word description, and five key features (labelled on the drawing).
The two new competitions will be judged by robotics experts from the ESPRC UK-RAS Network, plus two very special invited literary and art & design judges. The drawing competition will be judged by Zoë Smith, Producer at Tate Kids, and the writing competition will be judged by award-winning writer AF Harrold, author of The Imaginary and the popular Greta Zargo series.
There are fabulous prizes on offer, including a Makeblock Programmable robot kit (courtesy of Pipebots), a Thames Komos Robotics Experiment kit (provided by Brains on Board), plus some unique and exclusive prizes courtesy of our guest judges.
The competitions close for entries on the 8th June 2020
For more information, details of prizes, judging criteria and to submit an entry, please visit https://www.ukras.org/school-robot-competition/
If you would like to stay up to date with the latest announcements about our school robot competitions, now and in the future, please sign up to our free newsletter.
These competitions are a new addition to our UK Robotics Week programme of events for 2020. They complement the established School Robot Challenge – an app and online-based robot design challenge open to school groups aged between 8 and 14 years old.