Key stage 1 Newsletter – 26.2.21

One more week to go everyone! You have done a great job learning for home and we have loved seeing your work each time you have sent it in (even on your birthday Catherine!) and connecting with you on Zoom. However, we cannot wait to see all your faces back in the school building.

Once we are back in school, we of course will be seeing where the children are up to and we hope to be able to build on the learning they have been doing at home. So, please continue with your work, we know you may be flagging a bit, but every piece of work you do supports and furthers your learning.

Please remember, check in Zooms will only happen on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons next week and we hope to see you there. Mrs Harrisson’s morning groups will continue every day as usual.

On Thursday 4th March, it is World Book Day. On that day, there will be various book related activities for your child to complete and stories for them to listen to, read by our fabulous staff! If your child is able to join us on Zoom that afternoon, we would love them to dress up as a book character and bring along a book that they enjoy reading or listening to. They will have the chance to talk about their book, why they like it and who their favourite character is. We can’t wait to see who they come as!

Have you done a lypsync challenge yet? All you need to do is film yourself miming to a song and send it in by no later than 17.00 on Wednesday 3rd March. We want you to have fun and make people smile, but of course, you could win yourself a voucher! Well done to Kayleigh in class 1, who won last week’s voucher for her fabulous pancake entry. 

Have a look at some of the work sent in this week. Keep it up everyone, we think you’re all amazing!


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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500