LKS2 Newsletter 19/3/21
Happy Friday to all our LKS2 children and families! It’s been a busy week in Year 3 and 4, full of learning and fun…
We started the week with a lovely PSHE lesson, where we talked about the different groups we can be part of, and the importance of feeling accepted and included. We read the book ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon, about a creature who comes to Earth and finds it difficult to fit in. The children had some very thoughtful and mature discussions about how Beegu might have felt, and what we can do in our day to day life to make people feel included.
We had a wonderful afternoon in the sun on Wednesday. Continuing our theme of games in Forest School and PE over the last week or so, pupils in Years 3 and 4 took part in the game ‘Capture the Flag.’ Teams had to create a base (thinking about defence) and create their own flag. As a group, pupils then debated and decided on rules, which were continually adapted throughout, to ensure the game was fair and enjoyable. Pupils displayed so many good traits needed in successful teams – cooperation, communication, resilience and working towards a common goal. Well done everyone!
This week in maths, Miss Boyd’s group have been continuing with the basics and have all been working super hard. Our main target has been to understand the value of four digit numbers by adding and subtracting 10, 100 and 1000 to various numbers and also adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We have worked on learning this skill mentally alongside challenging ourselves with harder, more complicated questions in a group and individually.
Miss Evans’ group have also been working on adding and subtracting 10, 100 and 1000. They did a lot of work with practical resources, using base 10, counters and place value charts to secure their understanding. Some groups also worked together on some reasoning questions, discussing their answers and showing excellent problem solving skills.
The week has ended with a fantastic morning of Forest Schools. After learning about Iron Age clothing and how they created colours and the patterns they used, we had a go at it ourselves! Pupils created natural dyes from fruit and plants whilst learning about water/dye ratios and quantities to achieve the desired outcome.
It is brilliant to have all the children back in school, we hope they are enjoying it as much as we are! We hope you are all staying safe, and have a lovely weekend.
The LKS2 Team 🙂