KS1 – Newsletter – 26.3.21

We have had a good week in Key stage 1, continuing to learn about The Great Fire of London.

In Year 1, they have finished reading the story of ‘Vlad and the Great Fire of London’. They have then been retelling the story in their own words. They have also been focusing on the reading and writing of the Year 1 common exception words.

In Year 2, we have enjoyed using the ‘Now press play’ headphones listening to the story of ‘The Great Fire of London’ and using this to write a recount of the events. They have also had a debate about whether it was the right thing to do to pull down and blow up houses in order to stop the fire spreading.

In Maths, Year 1 have begun to do subtraction. They have used the first, next sequences and have been using ten frames and numberlines to count back. In Year 2, they have been continuing with the four operations and beginning to focus on Multiplication and division.

In Geography, we have been continuing to learn about the four countries in the UK and their capital cities. We have also been looking at their position on the map and discussing whether they are to the North, South, East or West of the other countries. Try asking your child at home if they can name the four countries and if you’re feeling brave if they can tell you their capital cities!

In RE Year 1 were learning about The Easter story. What happened To Jesus and his friends and drawing pictures telling the story. They then learnt about how some people celebrate Easter. In Year 2, they began a topic on prayer. They discussed what prayer is, who might pray and why people pray.

On PPA day, the children had a fantastic day with our amazing PPA staff. In art, they were using the ‘Frottage’ technique, to make rubbings of bark, tyres, stones etc.. and drawing pictures over the top. In PE, they had a whole circuit of athletic activities from the long jump and javelin, to running and other activities. Music focused on our Great fire of London topic, learning the song ‘London’s Burning’ using rounds and various musical instruments.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 29th March – Forest schools – Please come in your forest schools clothes

Wednesday 31st March – Easter team relay – Please come in your PE kits

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
