KS1 – Newsletter – 07.05.21

The children have all thoroughly been enjoying our topic ‘Gardeners World’ this week.

They have been labelling parts of a plant in Science, as well as growing different plants such as radishes, cress and beans. 

In English, Class 1 have been creating their own well being postcards for people who help them in school. Class 2 have been looking at split digraphs as well as using their oracy skills to plant a variety of different seeds. Classes 3 and 4 have been learning about simple and compound sentences. They have had to sort a variety of different sentences and then create their own. 

Maths has been a variety of different activities across all four classrooms. Class 1 have using their knowledge of subtraction and applying it to different contexts. Class 2 have begun to look at arrays. Year 2 have been learning how to borrow a ten to solve subtraction calculations and then applying this knowledge to solve different measurement problems.

Next week, all of Key Stage 1 will be off to Golden Acre Park. Year 1 are going on Monday 10th May and Year 2 on Tuesday 11th May. Regardless of the weather, the children will be going. They can come to school in their own clothing on the day. The children will be outside so they must be in comfortable, warm and waterproof clothing (if raining). The clothing may get dirty so please do not send children in precious/new clothing. Wellies, walking boots or a sturdy pair of trainers are also recommended. Children will be in school for lunchtime, so no pack up required. 

We are all looking forward to it!


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