LKS2 Newsletter 18/6/21
Happy Friday to all our LKS2 children and families! This week has been packed full of learning and fun…
On Tuesday the whole phase took part in the Great Science Share. The theme was ‘sustainability’, and each class chose a big question associated with this theme to investigate. In Class 5, the question was ‘how does pollution enter food chains?’. The children learned about different types of pollution, then set up an experiment using celery and food colouring to make observations about how pollution may be taken up by plants. Class 7 focused on the big question ‘How Much Rubbish Can We Actually Recycle?’. They sorted various pieces of rubbish into the 4 groups: plastics, metals, card and paper and non-recyclables using their new knowledge of recyclable symbols and properties of materials. Class 6 learned in more detail about water pollution, and experimented with different liquids to create a ‘density jar’. This showed how different pollutants can interact with water. It was a super fun afternoon with some incredible learning and investigative skills on display!
In maths lessons, Class 5 have reviewed our learning on the written methods of addition and subtraction. The children have developed fantastic fluency and are confident explaining and demonstrating how to complete more complex calculations. They enjoyed a range of activities putting their skills to the test, including a dice challenge and a group board game!
The Year 4s continued their lessons on rounders in PE on Wednesday. They recapped last week’s skills of throwing overarm and underarm, working in threes and giving each other feedback on their techniques. Then they worked on their batting skills! After some practice, they set up a mini game with one bowler, one batter and one fielder.
This morning, LKS2 continued their learning through the ‘Rethink Food’ program, which focuses on sustainability and the environment. We looked at the seventeen sustainable development goals set by the United Nations in 2015 aimed at saving the planet by the year 2050. We learnt about each goal before ranking them in a priority pyramid. Groups challenged each other and provided reasons and evidence for their choices. Then, groups chose one goal each to research and learn about in depth before presenting back to the class their findings.
A massive congratulations to our Learnatics this week; Felix and Josh from Class 6, Eleanor and Rahand from Class 7 and Harvey and Adam from Class 5. Brilliant work everyone!
Monday is a PE day, so please remember to send your child to school in their PE kit.
Have a great weekend everyone!
The LKS2 Team 🙂