EYFS – Newsletter – 09/07/2021

Reception have had a lot of fun this week!

In phonics we have be looking at the trigraphs ‘ear’ and ‘air’. We have used what we have learnt to read and write our own sentences. In maths we have been looking at sharing. We discussed sharing objects into equal sized groups.

On Wednesday we had forest schools. In the morning we went up to the field for a summer treasure hunt. We carefully sounded out and read the list of things to find and then took pictures of them using the iPads. We were then challenged to collect lots of natural objects and share them equally with our friends. In the afternoon we listened to a story on our special headphones and then went on a minibeast hunt about the Reception playground to photograph different minibeasts.

On Friday we had our football day and had a lot of fun completing lots of different football themed activities!

Next week it is NOT PE on Tuesday. Thursday is our Reception graduation and Friday is our trip to Wacky Warehouse.

If you wish to download your child’s Tapestry profile please do so by Thursday 15th July.

Have a super weekend!

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
