LKS2 – Newsletter – 17.9.21
What a fantastic second week back LKS2 have had!
Miss Boyd’s maths class this week (classes 6 &7) have learnt how to find 1000 more or less, count in thousands and compare and order 4 digit numbers. Miss Boyd has been very impressed with our knowledge of place value which has enabled us to move onto increasingly harder reasoning and problem solving questions already. On Tuesday, we used place value cards and place value counters to make 4 digit numbers and then compare them using the inequality signs < , > and =. Yesterday and today, we focused on ordering and used string to make our own number line. We then had the challenge to order some 4 digit numbers on the number line to find the missing number in the sequence.
Today in maths, Miss Bennett’s class used digit cards to create 4-digit numbers. We worked in pairs to write these numbers and compare them in our books. This helped us further our understanding of Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Ones.
In science this week, we have been looking more into our topic: Living Things and their Habitats. To begin with, we recapped what a living thing is, what habitat means and then focused more into how living things can be grouped based on their similarities and differences. As a quick game, we each picked an animal from a list and wrote the name of it on a sticky note which then was placed on our partners forehead. They then had to ask questions about each animal from the list to guess which animal their partner had chosen. This enabled language surrounding our topic and also helped us understand more about classification keys and scientific questioning. As a task, we sorted various animals into a classification key by following and answering the key’s questions.
In history, we had a recap lesson all about what history actually means, what a local history study is in line with our topic and how to research properly. We looked at ordering various events in chronological order and then moved onto looking at the history of Leeds, such as the Corn Exchange, Leeds Kirkgate Markets and Kirkstall Abbey.
In PE, we have started our new topic of cricket. This week, we began with the basics of throwing and catching in groups and then in pairs. We focused on under arm throwing, using our knees to bend and taking a step forward for more balance. We also focused on catching with both hands for more accuracy.
Great work to our learnatics this week:
Nathan and Charlotte from Class 5
Sara and Layla from Class 6
Jack and Harvey from Class 7
Important notices:
A reminder about the Bolton Abbey trip which will take place on the dates below depending on whether your child is in Year 3 or Year 4:
Year 3 – Tuesday 5th October 2021
Year 4 – Thursday 14th October 2021
Please refer to the LKS2 trip to Bolton Abbey post for more details on this.