KS1-Leaf Music

Key Stage 1 explored leaves in many different ways today. We listened to the story Leaf Man and found lots of different animals that were made from leaf collages. We then chose a real leaf and studied it carefully before creating its shape with our bodies. Whilst we listened to Eva Cassidy’s Autumn Leaves we imagined being blown around in the wind whilst falling to the ground. We then explored playing ‘falling leaves’ music on the xylophones. In groups, we then used leaves, sticks and conkers to make rhythm patterns that we could say, clap and play. Finally we listened to the story The Last Leaf and learned that it’s always better to talk to someone if something is worrying us. Well done Key Stage 1!

Leaf-Man-Y1-4 Leaf-Man-Y1-7 Leaf-Man-Y1-10  Leaf-Man-Y1-13  

Leaf-Man-Y2-1  Leaf-Man-Y2-8  Leaf-Man-Y2-17   Leaf-Man-Y2-32


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