KS1 – Newsletter – 6.5.22

It was fantastic to welcome so many Year One parent’s and carers this week for our reading event in the garden. We hope you enjoyed being able to explore the area and to read with your child. We look forward to welcoming Year Two Parent’s and carers on 17th May.

Year One have loved reading Fantastic Mr Fox this week in English and are challenging themselves to reading a chapter book.  They are learning to retrieve key information from the text and extend their vocabulary. lessons have been revolved around writing a non chronological report about Bearded dragons, inspired by ‘Spike’ in Class 4. Using our research from last week, we wrote our reports using headings and subheadings, dividing our information into different categories.

In Maths this week, Year One have worked on multiplication and groupings. Please work with your child on counting in 2, 5 and 10’s counting up and down. Year two have been learning more about telling the time. They have been practising telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and have also been learning about the duration of time.

We have continued our carousel of activities in computing this week. We have been learning about animation and how this is a collection of still images, put together to create a moving image. We have been impressed with the children’s use of 2animate and how they have managed to develop their flip books.

In PSHE, Year One were thinking about being safe and specifically being safe in unfamiliar situations. They thought about who they can talk to and who they cannot eg. Strangers. They also discussed how different emotions can make us feel eg. Butterflies in our tummy. Year Two have been looking at keeping healthy. We have been impressed with their knowledge of healthy eating, needing to exercise but also rest and sleep. They were also able to tell us that they need to drink plenty of water and keep our bodies clean by regularly washing our hands and having showers and baths.

Mrs Koopman’s daughter Ruby, is continuing her fund raising and has another event coming up on 21st May 4-6pm. It is a ticketed event and if you would like a ticket, please see Mrs Koopman.

Key Dates:

16.5.22 – Year two SAT’s begin. We will not be putting any pressure on the children! They will be completing them in groups and will have some fun and chill out activities when they are not doing them.

16.5.22 – Forest schools – Please wear appropriate clothing

17.5.22 – Year Two –  Reading event in the garden – 2.30pm

27.5.22 –  Forest schools – Please wear appropriate clothing

13.6.22 – Trip to Cannon Hall Farm – Any problems with payment for the trip, please contact the school office.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
