LKS2 – Newsletter – 17.06.22
What a great week in the sun we have had!
In maths this week, Year 4 have been exploring turns and angles. On Monday, we had to use key vocabulary, including quarter turn, half turn and full turn to create a maze. We also begun to discuss how many angles were in each turn. Once we had created the maze, we had to guide our friends through it using our new vocabulary, whilst they had their eyes shut! It was a great challenge and Year 4 worked super hard.
This week, Miss Evans’ maths group has concluded their learning on clocks and telling the time. They have been practising converting 12 hour digital time to analogue time, learned the difference between am and pm and used vocabulary such as midday and midnight. The children have completed lots of activities such as matching digital and analogue clocks, tasks on Mathletics and drawing times on to clocks in a group.
In English, we are writing a viewpoint narrative. To help us with this, we create a feelings timeline from the perspective of a character in our story, ‘The Bear in Chains’. This helped us understand how the main character was feeling, and find evidence to support our explanations.
In science, we investigated different forces. First, we recapped what friction was and how it works. Then, we looked at understanding push and pull forces. We went around the room to try and move lots of different items without touching them. After this, we created our own compasses to look more at magnetized forces!
In computing, we researched the different types of early animation inventions including a flip book and a thaumatrope. We used a grid to create our own flipbook, creating images with slight changes on the grids. We then cut these out and made them into our very own flipbooks to show a short animation.
Well done for all of your hard work this week LKS2. We hope you have a great weekend!
LKS2 Team