Cookridge’s Healthy Tuck Shop – Information

After a wonderful first week back, we are pleased to announce that the school tuck shop will be returning tomorrow (Tuesday 13th September). The school tuck shop is a student enterprise opportunity, run by members of the school community, that focuses on providing healthy snacks at break time. All the snacks on offer are no added sugar, allergen free, and provide a delicious and healthy option for pupils.

The price of the items available varies from, 20p to 50p. Children should not be bringing in more than £1.00 per day. This shop is optional, so children do not have to bring money if they do not intend to purchase anything. As well as providing delicious, healthy snacks, the tuck shop provides an opportunity for all children in school to develop their money management skills. The details of the tuck shop will be mentioned in assembly today, in order to answer any questions your children may have. 

We look forward to seeing you on opening day tomorrow. 

The tuck shop team

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500