EYFS Newsletter – 11/11/2022
We have had another super week in Reception!
In Phonics we have been looking at the graphemes ‘ck’, ‘e’ and ‘u’ and the sounds that they make. We sorted pictures based on whether or not they contained a certain medial sound, ordered letters and practised writing different words, and also read a collection of words or phrases and matched them to the correct pictures.
In Maths we have been investigating the numbers 4 and 5. We represented these numbers using objects and sorted picture cards that showed both 4 and 5 in different ways. After watching a video with the song ‘Five little speckled frogs’ we used a part whole model to demonstrate the five frogs moving between the log and the water, and outside, we used a five frame to count the correct number of coins/counters to pay for different toys.
Elsewhere in the classroom the children have been busy building towers, painting poppies, solving jigsaw puzzles, reading stories and practising their numbers!
Diary dates;
- Children will have forest school on Thursday next week.
- Our Christmas play will be on Wednesday 7th December at 2:3o p.m (up to 3 guests per child)
We hope you have a super weekend!