LKS2 Newsletter 02.12.22
Happy December!
What a busy week we have had! The children have been very excited to welcome in December and we have been busy preparing our gifts to sell and making our game for the Christmas Fair. The children were invited to decorate the school Christmas tree in the hall this morning and they had a lot of fun picking out baubles and finding space to put them!
In maths this week, the Year 4s have explored the relationship between the 3s, 6s and 9 times table. They drew a number line and circled the multiples in different colours, discussing the pattern they noticed. They also made a three way Venn diagram and place number in based on which times tables they are in. Year 3 have been concentrating on word problems using addition and subtraction. We had to explore which was the best method to use to answer the questions.
To start off our work on homophones, the Y4s matched up homophone pairs and wrote down definitions using dictionaries. Then they used the homophones to write sentences on their white board. Year 3 explored homophones and looked at why it is important to select the correct one when writing. We have started to think about our adventure narrative which we will be writing over the next couple of weeks based on our book ‘I was There – Boudica’s Army’.
In Food technology this week year three and four made Roman apple cake. We discussed why Romans enjoyed eating apples and some of the recipes that they would have made.
Children enjoyed practicing weighing sieving and measuring and all took a piece home to enjoy!
On Thursday LKS2 went on a local walk as part of our geography lesson. The purpose was to look at private and public use land. We used an OS map to help navigate our way out of school and down Otley Old Road. The children were VERY excited to see a robot coming up the path from Co-op!
Just a reminder that our rehearsals for the Christmas production are in full swing, please can you ensure your child practices their lines if they have any and the lyrics for the songs.
Please continue to practice spellings with your child. This weeks spellings are on Spelling Shed and listed below;
Year 3.
misbehave, mislead, mistake, misspell, misplace, misread, misunderstanding, misuse, mislaid, mistrust.
Year 4.
adoration, admiration, coronation, detonation, observation, location, generation, exploration, combination, illustration.
Thank you for your continued support.
LKS2 team