Just One More Campaign and Healthy Schools guidance

At Cookridge we are supporting our pupils to eat healthier, next week we are launching the ‘Just One More’ campaign.


We would like to invite your children to take part in a 2 week campaign to encourage pupils and staff to eat more vegetables in school and at home.

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2020) has shown an increase in adults and children who eat less than one or no portions of vegetables a day.

  • 1 in 3, primary school children eat less than one portion of vegetables per day

In Leeds, the My Health, My School Survey highlights that the number of pupils reporting that, on an average day, they eat ‘5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables’ has dropped significantly (4%) to its lowest since 2010-11 at just under 20%.

The campaign aims to encourage people to increase their vegetable intake by “just one more” portion per day.

We are trying to encourage ;

  • Sampling a new vegetable at home or school,
  • Eating all or some of the vegetables on their meal plate,
  • Bringing veg or salad in their packed lunch,
  • Bringing in veg for their snack at breaktime,

Support on this can be found on this website


We would love to know who is taking part at home so please share any successes with us at school.

Please record on the following monitoring sheet

Monitoring_Sheet-Eat One More

Email pictures to info@cookridge.leeds.sch.uk

Also a friendly reminder that is is No Smoking Day on March 8th

Please have a look at the following webpage for support 


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
