KS1 – Newsletter – 3.3.23

It’s been a fun filled week in Key Stage One this week, with some different activities.

Both Year One and Two have continued reading ‘Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs’. Year One have begun looking at story settings. They have been using adjectives to accurately describe different settings in order that we could tell which picture they were describing. They then began to write their own description of settings. In Year Two, the children have continued their work on conjunctions. Last week their focus was on co-ordination (using and, or, but), this week, they have moved on to using them for subordination (when, if, that, because).

In Maths, Year One have been learning about doubling. They have learned how to add them same number on, using Numicon, bar models, ten frames etc… Year two have continued to develop their understanding of Multiplication through repeated addition and have begun to draw arrays so that they can physically see 3 groups of 2 etc…

Thursday, of course, was World book day. Thank you to you all for sending your children in fantastic costumes. We had a day filled with all kinds of stories. They Key Stage One staff all dressed as characters from Traditional Tales and we read The Gingerbread Man together. Throughout the day, the children rotated around different activities doing Gingerbread man crafts, creating puppets and acting out the story in our puppet theatre and of course we had to make Gingerbread people.

On Friday morning, we welcomed Heidi an Artist from Chapel Allerton, who is working with Leeds City of culture. She worked with the children looking at Landscapes and key building and features around Leeds. The children then used a whole variety of collage materials to create a picture to represent an aspect of the Leeds landscape.

In RE, Year One have been learning about Lent. They learned how some people give up certain foods during Lent and reflected on what things they would choose to give up and whether they thought it would be difficult or not. In Year Two, the children have continued learning about Jesus. This week, they learnt about his teachings on topics such as forgiveness and reflected on whether they think people should be forgiven and why.

Art linked in with RE this week as the children learned about the festival Holi. After reading a book and watching some videos about Holi, the children drew portraits of themselves. Next their friends all flicked different coloured paints onto their picture.

There were two different groups working again in DT this week. The food tech group were reviewing the tzatziki they made before half term and then began designing a healthy wrap to make next time. The other group have used the designs they made before half term to begin making their fire engine. They started by selecting a box for the main body and painting it their chosen colour.

We had a brand new teacher for music this week in the form of Mrs Koopman, who combined music with PSHE. After watching a clip from the sound of music ‘My favourite things’, the children drew pictures of a whole variety of their favourite things and then worked together to put these into their own ‘My favourite things’ song and performed it together.

Geography was again linked with computing as the children programmed their Beebots to travel around a map of the UK. The children used geographical language and place names as they watched where their Beebot travelled to according to the algorithm they inputted.

We have done our latest months of our calendar in Science, thinking about the weather, temperature and daylight hours of Spring in Summer.

Key Dates:

Next week is week 2.

PE Kits needed for class 1 on Thursday and Classes 2 + 3 on Friday

26.3.23- Parent’s evening

27.3.23- Parent Poetry celebration- 2.30pm

30.3.23- Break up for Easter

31.3.23- Training day

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
