LKS2 – Newsletter – 12.05.23

We’ve had a busy week in LKS2! 

In English, we have been working hard, writing our Non-Chronological reports about France. We have researched, summarised and written beautiful reports, using determiners and all of our previous grammar goals. 

Miss Bennett’s maths group have started their learning on time this week! We have recapped telling the time to the nearest five minutes, using clocks, matching games and loop cards to do this. This consolidation will help us going forward as we move into trickier reasoning and problem solving using time. 








Miss Evans’ maths group have been recapping how to read the time to the nearest minute this week. On Tuesday, we played a game with our partner to practise this – one person chose a card which had a time written on it, then had to make the time with their own clock. Their partner then had to read the clock to get the right time. If we both got it right, we swapped roles. We kept going until we had made all the times.










In Maths, Year 3 have been looking at capacity. Children worked in pairs to solve a capacity reasoning problem. Children had to read the information provided and identify which cylinder belonged to each child. Children had to use a range of skills including, addition, fraction knowledge and reading scales.









We have continued looking at classification keys in Science this week. We have completed a range of activities, playing ‘Guess Who?’ with animals, using classification keys to identify animals and creating and drawing our own classification keys in groups. 









In PSHE this week, Year 4 have been thinking about the environment. We focused on the affect climate change can have on our local and wider world, and what we can do to prevent or help climate change. We then wrote energy pledges, thinking about small changes we can make that will make a difference. 








Have a great weekend! LKS2 Team 

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