KS1 – Dream Day

What a fantastic ‘Dream Day’ in Key Stage One!

Our day began with a fashion show so that we could show everyone what we wear when we dream at night time. We even all pretended to be asleep and dreaming. Mr Joy actually thought we’d all fallen asleep at school! 

We then returned to our classes and thought about what advice we would give someone if they were having nightmares. We thought of lots of solutions such as to talk about it with a grown up or let a dream catcher take it away. We collected our ideas and put them in our P4C book. Next, we made our own ‘Worry Warriors’ so that they could fight off any bad dreams and collect the good ones. 

After that we thought about some of the dreams we have. We thought about where we are in the dreams and what happens. We planned a dream sequence and wrote all about it. Some of us went to fantastic places in our dreams – it even rained sweets!

Next, we made a 3D model of our dream worlds and thought about what was in those worlds. We traveled from space, to the enchanted forest, to sweets land, to under the ocean, to dinosaur land, to fairy land and much more!

We did so much today in Key Stage One that it’s a good job we were in our Pyjamas – we’re all ready for bed!

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