Key Stage 1 – Newsletter – 20.9.19 – Cookridge Primary School
This week, everyone in Key stage 1 has found their feet and are starting to settle down into the daily routines.
We have all been wondering about a whole variety of scientific questions, from ‘How do shooting stars move?’, to ‘Why do seeds float?’ and ‘Why do flowers wilt?’. We are going to use some of the children’s questions in the coming weeks to form our own investigations.
Year 1 have been wowing the teachers, as they learn how to log on to the computers independently and begin to explore the various programs we have in school, such as Lexia.
In Maths, Year 1 have been counting to 100 and back and have been finding one more and one less than a number. Year 2, have been focusing on becoming Kings and Queens of place value, using base ten and various matching games.
We have been focusing on our personal history in our English lessons We have made time lines and have been writing about the changes we have noticed from when we were born, to becoming toddlers and starting school.
In Geography, we have begun our topic of looking at where we live. We discussed the different styles of home we live in and the surrounding area. We have then started to look at the Geography of our school grounds and what features are within it.
We have ended the week with a forest school focus, looking at where the best places are to build a den in the school grounds and why.