KS1 Newsletter-24.11.23

We’ve had another fun and busy week in Key Stage one.

Year One had a fabulous time ‘going to the airport’ and heading off to Ibiza this week. We thought about all the things that happen in an airport and why leading to looking at our book ‘How airports work’. They wrote a recount of all the things we did on that day and also wrote lists of things they might need to take on different holidays. Year two have been doing their hot write this week, writing an adventure story based around their book ‘Bigfoot’. They have been including rhetorical questions within their story and creating tension.

In Maths, Year one have been comparing numbers and amounts. They have used the language greater than, less than and equals to and have also been using the signs < > =. They have compared amounts in forest schools, compared base ten and numicon amounts and have also compared numbers and numbers in words. In Year two, one group have been continuing with their work on to addition with two digit numbers. They have been using base ten to practically make the numbers and add them together. The other group have been continuing with their work on subtraction. They have been using the column method to practise exchanging.

In Science we have been looking at the properties of materials. They have thought about whether they are magnetic, transparent, hard, soft, flexible, absorbent etc… They then looked at a variety of objects and completed a table looking at which of these properties they possess.

We have been looking at primary and secondary sources in history this week. We have looked at sources from the past and present and categorised them. We thought about how we could tell they were from the past of present eg old style big computers and tablets, old style clothes and modern clothes, dial up telephones and mobiles.

In Geography the children have been using Atlases to look at the waters around the United Kingdom. They have been identifying and naming them and noting where around the UK they are.

We had a lovely autumnal activity in forest schools this week. We were creating pictures of animals out of leaves. We created a whole zoo full of creatures after carefully selecting leaves of the correct shape and size.

Year One have continued their topic on festivals in RE and have looked at how people might celebrate advent in the home. They looked at a variety of advent calendars and candles and thought about what people may put in their homes to decorate. In Year two the children have been recalling what Christians do to welcome babies. They recalled facts and wrote about what happens at a christening.

On Wednesday we enjoyed swapping classes and reading with our reading buddies. On Thursday, some of the children enjoyed a trip to Cookridge Court to read with the residents. This is a lovely time that is always enjoyed by everyone involved.

We always enjoy a good chat in Key Stage One and this week has been no different. In PSHE this week Year one have been thinking about what it means to be a good listener and why it’s important. They then did some activities where they had to listen really carefully to their partner and follow their instructions to draw things etc.. Year two were learning about bullying. What bullying actually is and what they could do if they ever witnessed or experienced bullying.

Next week is week 1:

PE: Friday – for all of Key Stage One

PPA day. Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Friday 1st Dec- Christmas fair- after school

Thurs 14th Dec- KS1 Christmas performance- Parents-(2 family members only please) 2.30 pm

Fri 15th Dec- KS1 Singing at ASDA- 9.45 am-10.45 am

Mon 18th Dec-KS1 Care Home event at school- Grandparents welcome-10am-11am

Fri 22nd Dec- Break up



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