Wellbeing Wednesday – Forest School

It’s been fantastic weather for our Wellbeing Wednesday sessions today as the bright winter sunshine has contrasted so well with the icy leaves and frost on the trees. The younger pupils worked on a project run by songbird-survival which aims to support our feathered friends through the harder winter months. With the aim of earning the Ruby Robin award for helping songbirds, we conducted a birdwatch, learnt about robins and their colours by colouring in pictures and made them a tasty hanging bird feeder using apples and seeds. The older pupils spent their session focusing on basic needs. We discussed what humans need and discussed different emotions we may feel if our needs are met or not met. Next, we compared these needs to the needs of our school animals and were surprised to find they were the same. We then checked on them all; filling up water bottles, food dishes and checked if their bedding needed changing or topping up. Finally, we groomed the goats using our new brushes and took them for some exercise by walking them around the field.  

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