KS1 – Newsletter – 26.4.24

We’re fully back into the swing of things in Key Stage One and the children have had a great week.

We have been learning about Neil Armstrong in English this week. We have found out lots of facts about him from video clips, fact files and books. We have hot seated a member of our class pretending to be ‘Neil Armstrong’ so we could ask them questions. They then wrote lots of facts about Neil Armstrong and ordered things that happened in his life.  Year Two have been gathering information, ready to write a recount next week.

In Maths, Year One have continued to practise counting in twos and have moved on to counting in tens. They have ordered numbers, counted groups of objects and looked at the patterns when counting in tens. They also practised counting in tens from any number eg 13, 23, 33, and noticed how only the tens number changes each time. In Year two, One group have begun learning about fractions and finding fractions of a shape. The Other group have been recapping arrays and using bar models to answer word problems for multiplication.

We continued to look at the acronym MRS NERG in Science and how we can use this to see if something is alive. The children were then looking at lots of different pictures and sorting them in their books depending on whether they are alive, dead or have never been alive.

In Art, the children have been finishing their work on Niki Okandaya and their African prints.

The children have begun a new block during PPA sessions on Textiles. This week, they began designing a planet. They then learnt what a running stitch is and had a practise doing them.

In Music Year One have been listening to some Classical music linked to space. They also learned the ‘Aiken drum’ song and made their own picture from the song – eg the man in the moon with his hair made of noodles. Year two have been doing some rhyme work, cutting and sticking to make their own rhythms before performing them to the class. They have also been learning the song ‘Alien shuffle’.

In RE, Year One have been thinking about places that are special to them and why. They have learned that Christians go to church and Muslims go to a mosque. In Year two, the children have been looking at rules. They have thought about why we have rules and what would happen if we didn’t have rules. They then looked at the fact Christians have special rules called the Ten Commandments that they follow.

Year One were focusing on safety and dangers outside during their PHSE lesson. They thought about how to cross the road safely and even about bodies of water and lightening. Year Two were thinking about why our bosies need a good balance of exercise and sleep. They then though about which ways they enjoy exercising and looked at different ways to plan for and have a good nights sleep.


Next week is week 2:


Monday – Class 1 and 2

Thursday – Class 1 and 3

Friday – Class 2 and 3

Forest school – Tuesday for all of Key Stage One

Diary Dates:

Monday 19th April  – 2.45 Parent’s phonic meeting

Monday 24th June – Cannon Hall Farm trip – More information to follow

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LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
