EYFS – Newsletter – 03.05.24

Finally, Spring seems to have arrived at Cookridge with some lovely weather helping to bring along all of the plants we have been growing this term! As part of our topic we’ve looked this week at where our food comes from and how some crops can be very versatile and made into lots of our favourite foods. After starting off last week. we have spent lots of time building and decorating a scarecrow to add to the upcoming Cookridge Scarecrow Festival (this Bank Holiday weekend 5th and 6th May). The children helped to dress and stuff out scarecrow and many took great efforts to sew flower decorations to add some colour. The children were also charged with coming up with a name for our scarecrow, with many choosing to write their suggestions down in full sentences. As the scarecrow was finished, we all voted and the fantastic scarecrow was named Maizie! Keep an eye out for Maizie if you are following the scarecrow trail this weekend!

Phonics has seen the children further consolidating their previous ‘Phase 3’ learning and becoming more confident in their reading and writing. We are fostering greater independence and expecting more output from the children at this stage of the year and so far they are knocking it out of the park! 

In Maths this week, the children have been investigating the concepts of addition and subtraction. By exploring this in different ways (building towers, using small counting resources and number-lines) the children are discovering how numbers can be changed and how we represent this by writing number sentences. 

On Monday this week, the children really enjoyed joining in with an audio adventure on the NowPressPlay software. They acted out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, taking various roles in story such Jack, the Giant and even the beanstalk itself!

Miss Rushworth got quite excited this week as a poorly Mr Kerr gave her an opportunity to teach some P.E. in the hall. The children loved practising some skills that will be needed for the annual Sport’s Day races at the end of term. Much fun was had with relay races and even the old favourite – the egg and spoon race!

Have a fantastic Bank Holiday Weekend – we’ll see you on Tuesday!


Dates for the diary:

Monday 6th May – School closed – Bank Holiday.

Friday 17th May – Reception visit to None-Go-Bye Farm – please fill in the online permission form if you have not done so already. A contribution of £1.50 has been requested on ParentPay.

Thursday 23rd May – Power of Pattern Day! – whole school non-uniform day (pattern-inspired!)

Thursday 23rd May – Last day of the half term. 

Friday 24th May – School closed – Training Day.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
