Cannon Hall Trip

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: KS1 Cannon Hall trip

Monday 13th June

Children will leave school at 9:00am and will arrive back at school for 3.15pm (Traffic depending). As the trip takes up the full day, children will be provided with a packed lunch and a drink. Children can bring their own packed lunch if they want. Children will not need to bring any money. All pupils must wear school uniform for the trip.

Depending on weather please pack your child with wet weather clothing or sun cream/ hat and extra water if hot!

When the children return from the trip, please be patience. We will go through school and let them leave from the playground like normal to follow our safeguarding procedures.

We cannot wait for the day- we will post about the trip on Tues 14th and share photos of the day.

If you have any questions please speak to any of the KS1 Team

Kind regards

The KS1 Team

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500