Class 1

KS1-Year One-Bog Baby found!

Year One had an exciting day today, strange sounds were […]

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KS1-Aut 2-Termly Newsletter and Key dates

We hope you all have a fantastic half-term. Attached is […]

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KS1-Class One-Halloween

Class One has had a Halloween-themed day in school today- […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 27.10.23

What a fantastic first half term we have had in […]

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KS1-Year One- Writing

Year One have been learning about Castles this term.  The […]

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KS1- Class One- Internet Safety

Class One has now completed a whole term of internet […]

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KS1 – National Apple Day – Forest School

Today KS1 pupils have been celebrating National Apple Day which […]

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SEND Parent consultations

Dear Parents/Carers,  If your child is currently on our school […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 20.10.23

What a fabulous week we’ve all had in Key Stage […]

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KS1-Class One-Reading with Cookridge Care Home

The residents were delighted to share a reading session today […]

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