Class 1

KS1-Reading with Cookridge Court

Class One and Class Two children have visited  Cookridge Court […]

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KS1-Summer 2 termly newsletter

Next term information We hope you have a lovely half […]

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KS1 – Science – Celery Experiment!

Today, we carried out an experiment using our prior knowledge […]

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Phonics Screening information

Thank you to all who were able to make the […]

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Class One have enjoyed PE this morning in the sunshine […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 15.05.23

Mrs Koopman and Miss Robinson’s birthday week! Happy Birthday to […]

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KS1-Eid Celebration

What a fantastic day in KS1! We built on our […]

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KS1-Reading-Care Home visit

Another wonderful visit this week to Cookridge Court Care home, […]

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Class 1 & 9 – Reading Buddies

Class 1 and 9 enjoyed another reading buddies this afternoon! […]

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KS1- Year 1-C1 / C2 -Phonics and Jack and the Beanstalk activities

We played some new games in Phonics this week and […]

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