Class 1

KS1-Class One-Maths

Welcome to Class One’s Capacity Cafe! Today we were comparing […]

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Easter Egg Competition’s Winners and Runner ups

Dear Parents/Carers Thank you so much for all your children’s […]

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KS1-Theatre trip-Pirate Bonnie

KS1 has a very exciting day- we went to Holt […]

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Fundraising/Non Uniform Day Thursday 30th March

As a school community we would really like to help […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 24.3.23

On Tuesday, it was World Poetry Day. Year One have […]

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Book Fair Success

Thank you once again for your outstanding support for the […]

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Beehive parents only

Contact information for Beehive has been updated Landline: 0113 3862500 […]

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Thank you for your patience.  Emails to are now […]

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School emails

We are currently experiencing issues receiving any emails and are […]

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KS1-Class 1-Science weather experiment

Class One had lots of fun- predicting and using their […]

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Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500