Class 1

The Great Science Share 2019!!

Today Cookridge celebrated the Great Science Share! After some tough […]

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KS1 – Newsletter – 14/6/19

KS1 have have enjoyed taking part in the BNF  healthy […]

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Poetry Slam!!

Please read the following about this years POETRY SLAM:

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KS1 – Years 1 and 2 – Healthy Day

What a lovely healthy day KS1 have had! Our day […]

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Healthy Eating Week – 10/06/19 – 14/06/19

Health week letter- 2019

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KS1 – Newsletter – 7/6/19

What a lovely first week back KS1 have had. We […]

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KS1 – Summer 2 Newsletter

Newsletter – KS1 Summer 2

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KS1 Newsletter

KS1 have had another busy week.  All the classes have […]

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KS1 Newsletter- 17.5.19

KS1 have had  a wonderful week enjoying the sunshine.    […]

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Year 1-Class 1- Enchanted adventure

Class One have enjoyed activities linked to ‘The Enchanted Wood.’  […]

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