Classes 5, 6 and 7 Trip – Murton Park – 21/4/22 and 28/4/22
LKS2 Murton Park Trip
Dear Parent/Carer,
Next term, LKS2 will be moving onto their new topic, the Vikings!
To fully submerge ourselves into this exciting subject, we have booked a trip to Murton Park, York, on Thursday 21st April (year 3) and Thursday 28th April (year 4).
Murton Park is a well-known activity ground that has its very own Viking village where each child can immerse themselves into becoming a Viking settler for the day. Comprising several houses, workshops and fields, their settlement is the perfect setting for the hands-on activity day we have booked.
Once there, the children will be taken to their fully equipped Viking settlement where they will meet the rest of their community. They will have to prove to the Lady or Lord that they have the correct skills needed to be an asset in the community! Our children will learn all the fascinating facts surrounding Viking food, farming, pottery and the various household tasks they had to accomplish. After, they will be able to stand guard of their community, making sure they defend their people from any vicious attackers! The centre has a website and further details can be found there if you wish to find out a little more
School is subsidising part of the cost of this incredible opportunity, reducing the amount payable to £19.00 per child. Pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals are entitled to an additional half price reduction making the cost £9.50 per child. If you are unsure of this, please contact the school office. This payment will be added to ParentPay.
Your child will need to wear suitable outdoor clothing with suitable shoes for being outdoors in and additional items depending on the weather (coat/scarf/gloves/sun hat/ be wearing sun cream). If your child has school dinners, they will need to bring a packed lunch with them. Children who have packed lunches in school will also need to bring their usual packed lunch including a drink. If your child receives Free School Meals, they will be provided with a packed lunch.
Year 3 will be visiting on Thursday 21st April.
Year 4 will be visiting on Thursday 28th April.
If you have any questions regarding the trip, please arrange a telephone call with myself via the school office and I will happily discuss any queries you may have.
Yours faithfully,
Miss N Boyd
Class 7 Teacher
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