03.03.20 – Update – Covid-19

Please check the latest guidance with regards to the coronavirus:


As the situation is constantly changing the government is providing updates and guidance which we will be following. There are still the usual virus’s and colds at this time of year and we will continue, with your support, to remind pupils in school of the importance of good hand hygiene practices. The risk to individuals of contracting the coronavirus remains low, however, if you have returned from one of the affected areas and/or have developed symptoms,(a cough, high temperature and shortness of breath) however mild, you should self-quarantine with immediate effect. This means staying indoors at home and avoiding contact with other people for two weeks. For medical advice you should call NHS 111, rather than visit your GP surgery.


Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
