UKS2 – Science and Media Museum Trip

10/12/2019 to 10/12/2019 9:00am to 3:00pm

Year 5 and 6 will be visiting the Science and Media Museum to continue to develop their ‘Working Scientifically’ skills. 

For further details please see the form below.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This half term, children have been developing their ‘working scientifically’ skills through a range of practical and written activities. They have shown a real passion for the subject and we are going to enhance this further by taking our children to the Science and Media Museum in Bradford. The trip will include travel, access to the museum, an experience in the ‘Wonderlab’ as well as watching a ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’ film in the IMAX cinema.

The trip will leave Cookridge Primary School at approximately 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday 10th December. As this is a local trip, the children will be returning back to school during normal school hours; therefore, the usual routine for leaving school will apply.

We ask that a donation of £12 is made to contribute towards the cost of the visit.

If your child receives pupil premium (if you are unsure then please ask at the office) the cost of the trip will be subsidised by school. If your child is pupil premium, we ask that you make a donation of £6.

All payment to be made via Parent Pay.

Unless your child receives Free School Meals, they will need to bring a packed lunch.

Please could you ensure your child wears school uniform.

If you have any questions about the visit, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Upper Key Stage 2 team.

Yours sincerely,

UKS2 team


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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500