14/10/2019 to 14/10/2019
9:00am to 3:00pm
Golden Acre & Breary Marsh Trip
Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of our on-going topic work on Living Things and Their Environments, the children in Years 3 and 4 will be spending the day at Golden Acre Park and Breary Marsh Nature Reserve in the coming weeks. Please see below the dates that pupils are going:
Year 4 – Monday 30th September Year 3 – Monday 14th October
Throughout the day, the children will be taking part in various activities to learn about the local habitats, the wildlife that live there and a local history study on Golden Acre Park and mapping human and physical features. This will include habitat investigations, including studying and identifying different types of trees and wildlife, Forest School games to build up resilience and problem solving and collecting, recording and presenting data using natural resources.
Due to the nature of these activities, children can come to school in their own clothing on the day. The children will be outside for the whole day so they must be in comfortable, warm and water proof clothing. The clothing may get dirty so please do not send children in precious/new clothing. Wellies, walking boots or a sturdy pair of trainers are also recommended. Children will also be required to bring a packed lunch, a water bottle and a suitable bag/rucksack to carry them.
If you have any questions, or would like to know more about the activities, then please see your child’s class teacher or myself for more information.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Mr S Gamble
LKS2 Phase Leader