EYFS Newsletter – 10/02/2023

We have had a super week this week to end our first half term of 2023!

In Phonics we have been looking at the graphemes ‘oa’ and ‘oo’ and the sounds that they make. We talked about the two different phonemes that ‘oo’ can represent and how to use these in different words. The children worked hard outside to sort words using the ‘oo’ grapheme into groups for the two different phonemes. Inside they sorted out the letters in jumbled up words and played a board game to practise reading word using our focus sounds.

In Maths we have been recapping the skills of careful counting and number formation through a treasure hunt outside. The children had to search the playground for hidden pictures, count the number of each image of the card and then record this neatly on their sheet. Many even took up the extra challenge of solving some number sentences using the same picture cards. Inside, we reminded ourselves how to use part whole models to represent different number bonds and how to show our findings using a number sentence. The children also spent some time learning about the days of the week and the order they happen using the story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’.

On Thursday we had forest schools and had a brilliant time helping Mr Gamble build a fire, before using the fire to make some hot chocolate! We also helped Mark Collier from willow weaving company Out of the Woods to help create a willow dome house on the field.



This week has been Children’s Mental Health week. To celebrate this we have had lots of discussions about what mental health is and and that there are lots of mentions that we can have. We then created a list of ideas for how to change your emotions if you feel sad or angry. All of the children had a go at drawing a picture to represent what was going on in their heads and many confidently stood up and shared this with the class. We also read the story ‘The Invisible String’ and talked about and then drew pictures of who we were connected to with an invisible string of love.

As part of our Amazing Animals topic we read the story ‘Owl Babies’ and the children have spent the week acting the story out using puppets, making their own owl pictures using paint and learning lots of facts about owls and where they live during out carpet discussion time. Elsewhere in the classroom the children have enjoyed using atlas’s to find different places in the world, making up a bean bag throwing game and keeping their own scores using chalk, and playing in our class vets and pet shop.

The first week back it will be PE on Tuesday.

Diary dates;

  • Last day of term Friday 10th February
  • School reopens Monday 20th February

We hope you have a super holiday!

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Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
