EYFS – Newsletter – 11/06/2021

What a busy week in reception! This week we started our new topic of dinosaurs and have had a great time!

We started the week working in teams to make our own dinosaurs out of boxes! Everyone worked really hard and showed that with a bit of imagination and creativity a cardboard box can be turned into anything! Later in the week we listened to a dinosaur story using our special headphones and practised moving in different ways to act out the different dinosaurs. During forest schools we collected lots of natural resources to create our own habitats for our new pet dinosaurs. We placed our eggs in water and watched as they hatched and grew.

Another challenge we were faced with this week was filling up the paddling pool so we could cool down in the hot weather. The challenge was to fill the paddling pool from the water trough without using any buckets or containers to carry it. The children did a super job problem solving and using pipes to create a channel. What superstars!

Next week it is PE on Tuesday.

Have a super weekend!


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