EYFS – Newsletter – 14/02/2020

What an  amazing week in Reception!

In Phonics this week, we have been looking at the sound ng. We have recapped using our phonic knowledge to sound out different words as well as start to use these words to form sentences. Our sounds after half term will be the digraphs ai and ee.
In Maths, we have been investigating how to add not only one more but how to add two single digit numbers together. Later in the week we also spent some time looking at 3D or solid shapes. We learnt their different names as well as how to use mathematical language such as faces, edges and vertices to describe their properties.
On Friday we invited parents in for our ‘Build a classroom day’. It was brilliant to see so many parents get involved during different parts of the day and we hope you enjoyed building and decorating the room! 
We hope you all have a great holiday!

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
