EYFS – Newsletter – 14.06.24

After last week’s exciting visitor, all eyes have been on the dinosaur egg left in Reception. The children have been checking regularly and often seeing signs of movement or hairline cracks that the teachers have missed! Many children this week chose to have a go at making their own dinosaur egg with paper-mache – a messy task that required a bit of care and a lot of patience. We’ve also continued to enjoy our new topic of Dinosaurs and have investigated the different diets that dinosaurs ate as well as their genetic relationship to modern day birds. On Thursday we were astonished to find that the dinosaur egg had hatched when we arrived at school! The children were very excited to find the broken eggshell and a trail of slime and tracks leading us on a hunt for the missing baby dinosaur. Helpful children got busy making warning signs to alert the rest of the school, while others cracked on with some other fun dino-themed activities.

Whilst finding out what the dinosaurs ate we learnt the words; herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. The children did a brilliant job discussing what different animals ate and sorting them in a venn diagram.

Phonics this week has found us recapping the Phase 3 trigraphs (three letters that make one sound) igh (knight) air (chair) ear (ear!) and ure (pure). The children have been continuing to improve their reading and writing using all of their learned phonics from this year and they are really growing in independence. This week, the children all started a new writing folder to show off how all of their amazing phonics work has paid off in their wonderful writing.

Our Maths sessions this week have carried on exploring the concept of division. After last week’s work on sharing into equal groups, this week we’ve concentrated more on grouping into equal amounts from a large group. The children have enjoyed investigating this concept practically by splitting a group of blocks to build towers, by sharing out equipment fairly and even by grouping themselves into teams.

On Thursday this week, we gave the Reception children chance to perform a poem or rhyme in front of the class as way of auditioning for a spot at the Summer Fair’s Poetry Slam. We were amazed by the number of children who were confident enough to give it a try (see photos below!) and we are proud to announce Evie and Marcela as our Reception winners and representatives at the Poetry Slam next weekend! 

This week was Healthy Living week. We discussed how important drinking lots of water was as well as the benefits of being active. Inside, some children played a matching pairs game with pictures of different types of drink, and outside they were challenged to complete 6 different challenges and cross them off at they went along!

Thank you to all that have made contributions for the Cookridge Summer Fair next weekend. Children can continue to bring contributions for tombola and raffle prizes next week in school! We look forward to seeing anyone who is able to make it – and the weather forecast isn’t even terrible! 

Details for next week’s Sport’s Day on Wednesday can be found at the link below. Please read for all information about the running of the day.

Have a great weekend! 

The Reception Team!

Sports Day – Wednesday 19th – Reminder

Dates for the Diary:

Wednesday 19th June – 1pm-3pm – Sport’s Day (see above web-post).

Saturday 22nd June – Cookridge Summer Fair.

Wednesday 17th July – Reception End of Year Celebration – 2pm – Parent’s invited to attend at school to celebrate the children’s achievements this year.

Friday 19th July – Last day of the Summer Term.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
