EYFS – Newsletter – 17.05.24

After last week’s sunshine, the weather has been a bit more unpredictable – but that hasn’t slowed Reception down!

Our focus story this week has been The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and we’ve used that as a stimulus to learn about life cycles and in particular that of the butterfly. Children have demonstrated their understanding by ordering the stages of the life cycle and created some beautiful butterfly artworks. A lot of children also took the challenge to build silly sentences modelled after the ones in the story and read them back to a friend. 

Maths this week has found us further exploring shapes and how to describe position within a space. The children had a go at directing a friend to position shapes to create shape pictures using vocabulary like ‘besides’ ‘under’ and ‘on top of’. 

Phonics sessions had us recapping the sounds ‘oo’ (moon) ‘oo’ (book) ‘ar’ (car) and ‘or’ (horn) and applying these in words and sentences. We have also started our regular phonics assessments as we approach the end of term and have been very pleased to see such great progress as the children are showing off all their fantastic phonics knowledge!

The children also had a brilliant time in their music session with Mrs Durrant this week, getting to play a variety of wonderful instruments and make some wonderful melodies!

On Friday, we all had a great time visiting the animals at None-Go-Bye Farm. As part of our Let It Grow! topic we were particularly interested in seeing the young animals born on the farm. We were lucky enough to see young pigs, lambs and alpacas on the farm and the children very much enjoyed saying hello and feeding the animals as we made our way around. The children were all very well behaved and polite as we visited the farm and everybody had a lovely trip.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team.


Dates for the diary:

Thursday 23rd May – Power of Pattern Day! – whole school non-uniform day (pattern-inspired!)

Thursday 23rd May – Last day of the half term. 

Friday 24th May – School closed – Training Day.

Monday 3rd June – School reopens.

Wednesday 19th June – 1pm – EYFS and KS1 Sports day.

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
