EYFS Newsletter – 23.06.2023

Another busy week in Reception has come to an end and we’d like to fill you in on what we’ve been up to.

Our Dinosaurs topic has continued to inspire lots of excitement and activity. After the thrills of our dino egg hatching out, we’ve been left with a surprisingly still and quiet baby T-Rex in our class. The children have been tasked with coming up with a name for the young dinosaur and we saw some great sentence writing as a result.  There have been plenty of other dino-themed activities to interest and engage the children this week, from dinosaur pastel rubbings; a dinosaur actions trail outside; and labelling different parts of a dinosaur. We also spent time reading the story Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson and this led us to talking about the terms carnivore and herbivore, so we got together in groups to sort animals by their diets and decide if they were carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.  Also, with Mrs Ledda in Tuesday’s art sessions, the children explored how to represent ammonite fossils with clay, collage and paint. 

In phonics sessions this week, we’ve continued refining our already brilliant reading and writing skills as well as further developing our comprehension skills through role-play. The story chosen for this week was ‘Supertato’ with children taking it in turns to act out the story in different roles. Much fun was had saving the vegetables from The Evil Pea!

Maths sessions have seen the children practising addition and subtraction, as well as developing  problem solving skills. By asking children to visualise people and animals in a boat and adding up how many legs are in the boat, the children are developing skills to help them solve more complex narrative maths problems. 

Also this week, the children used mirrors to carefully draw a self-portrait. It was wonderful to compare these to the self-portraits that the children drew at the start of their Reception journey and see how far their drawing skills have developed.

Wednesday saw Reception going downstairs to visit the Key Stage 1 children, where they buddied up to share books together and practise their reading with support from the older children. 

Some children have been helping in the past weeks to water our garden and to pick out the weeds, and this week we harvested some of our radishes and had a little taste. Quite a lot of children were unsure if they had tried radishes before or if they would like them but many were happy to give them a go. Responses were mixed but we had some great descriptive language as a result, with kids describing the radishes as ‘spicy’ ‘bitter’ ‘delicious’ and ‘yeauuuck!”

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

The Reception Team



Wednesday 5 July: Reception Class, Class 2, Class 4 and Class 6 will be closed to pupils as part of national strike action. 

Friday 7 July: Reception Class, Class 2, Class 4 and Class 6 will be closed to pupils as part of national strike action.

Wednesday 12 July: Reception and KS1 Sports Day (pm) 1:00pm-3:00pm

Thursday 20 July: Reception Summer Celebration 2:00pm onwards – parents and carers welcome to join us!

Friday 21 July: School closes for Summer Holidays 3:20pm 

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
