EYFS – Newsletter – 28.06.24

Our Dinosaurs topic has continued to interest and excite this week. We took a look at just how long ago the dinosaurs lived on Earth and how that time was split into three eras. The children were surprised to realise that not all dinosaurs lived at the same time as each other, but also that many creatures that lived at that time are still around today! We also used Google Earth to compare two sites known for being fossil-rich: the Gobi desert in Mongolia and Robin Hood’s Bay in Yorkshire. Safe to say they were rather different in many ways! The children have loved having a go at dinosaur art works: following a drawing tutorial and explored using raised templates to do some crayon rubbing pictures.

Thankfully, the lovely summer weather lasted until Thursday’s Forest Schools session, which was enjoyed by all. Everybody joined in an immersive dinosaur audio story using the Now Press Play program, with children acting along with the track and becoming all different types of dinosaur. We also revisited the story  of Hide-a-saurus which we had read earlier in the week to play a fun game in the wooded area. Groups of children also went off with a checklist to find the signs of Summer (some of which have since disappeared!). 

The children have continued to impress with their efforts in Phonics this week, with a lots of fantastic reading and writing. We’ve really enjoyed the retelling of The Three Bears this week, with the children taking on various roles and exploring the different plot points and character emotions. 

Maths sessions this week have revisited numbers up to 20 and explored addition problems using these numbers. The children have enjoyed practical games using different apparatus to investigate and represent these numbers as well showing addition in practical contexts to help cement an understanding of written number sentences.


The warm weather this week drew lots of children to water play, with many choosing to experiment the equipment in different ways.

Have a great weekend! 

The Reception Team


Dates for the Diary:

Wednesday 17th July – Reception End of Year Celebration – 2pm – Parent’s invited to attend at school to celebrate the children’s achievements this year.

Friday 19th July – Last day of the Summer Term.

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West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500
