EYFS – World Book Day
World Book Day 2025 has been a blast! Thank you to everyone for making an effort to come dressed in costume – as you can see from the photos we had some amazing costumes and the kids had a great time.
Our day was kicked off with a special whole-school assembly with a special guest – the poet Donovan Christopher, a.k.a. Rappa Man! Reception class sat brilliantly and joined in with the rhymes and listened really well to the stories and poems we were read.
Back in Reception, we based our day around the popular book ‘Funnybones’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. First of all, Mr Verdi read and acted out the story with lots of help from the children and then we got busy at some different activities inspired by the story. Some children chose to use masks and puppets to retell the story and act it out for themselves. Others too the challenge of doing some writing and adding voices to the skeletons via speech bubbles.
In the creative area, some children had a go at cutting out and building a moving skeleton puppet using split pins, whilst others used white paint to paint their own skeletons on black paper. Outside (which, due to the amazing sunny weather, most of the children chose to spend the day) we had set up a ‘dark, dark’ obstacle course which the children took turns in traversing whilst blindfolded and guided around by their trusted friends.
After lunch, Mr Verdi began reading a new chapter book called ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl, which we shall enjoy reading in instalments over the coming weeks. Soon it was time to all head downstairs for a visit to the school’s library to explore the wealth of picture books, chapter books and non-fiction books we have within and to hear a lovely story read to us by Mrs Harrison. After that, our brilliant World Book Day was topped off with some amazing ‘Mystery Readers’ coming into class to share a favourite story with the class. Thank you to Libby’s mum and Jude’s mum for volunteering to read!